Monday, August 10, 2009

no title today

i dont really know what this post is about hence the no title for a title. this last weekend we went to las vegas for the hyer-boyer wedding. i enjoyed myself. i learned that sharks are mean. im one of those people who could probably watch sharks on tv for hours. i dont know why. they scare me much so. the ocean is a weird place. at the wedding i was told that i should be a writer. (pause for a shout out to brady and nicole petersen who read my blog but continue to deny me access to their blog) to be honest, ive always wanted to be able to write. songs, books, movies, it must be a good feeling to have some one read something that you write and enjoy it, but over the years ive realized two things, i dont have any ideas on stuff to write about and i cant write very well, two obstacles that are not ideal for a writer to have. writing does feel good though. even if its not true. its a good way of getting things out. over the weekend i was bored so i decided to write two pages of whatever came to my head. i didnt stop until two pages were complete. i talked about sharks, how nickelodeon isnt what it used to be, and created a character named mason brass. his life was a lot like mine but worse. my friend asked me what i was writing and i told him that it was kind of a journal entry. he said maybe it was my life just a little more honest. maybe. but too deep for me to think about. this is getting too deep for this blog to handle. everyone take a break, watch this and come back. last night i was trying to sleep and for some reason i really wanted to play f-zero on super nintendo. i dont know why. i have never enjoyed that game before.


Kelli Bonin said...

What the heck Dane?! Freestyle canoeing? Where do you find these things... Yo Man Sports?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout out!! you are a good writer... just keep writing about mason! lol later dude