Sunday, March 30, 2008

so we went to the festival of colors thing again this year. i think they used a different kind of chalk because this year it seemed a lot harder to breath. it wasnt as fun as last year because i knew what was going to happen and what it was going to be like but it was still fun. then we made a huge mistake and went to the chinese buffet on university avenue by lons cookin shack. the best part about it was my fortune cookie. it didnt make any sense but it made me feel good and i think that is what a good fortune cookie is supposed to do.

1 comment:

Meg said...

this is meg. Dane - i agree that the buffet was a mistake. but it sure did make us laugh a lot. i never count laughing as a mistake. i did not like the chalk throwing scene. lame. i am glad we don't do that at our temples.